Me and My Money as an Expat

on Thursday, June 24, 2010

What is it that makes me continously searching for some financial answers - every single day. 

Just when i think i find a great insurance broker I need to find someone else.  then I find a mortgage broker and he leaves.  Then I need to transfer money home and everyone wants a slice of my money through transaction fees and poor interest buying rates.

As an expat what do i need?

Transfer some money home, use a forex broker, get a great rate and NOT PAY TRANSFER FEES!
To insure my life, in case I die!
Make sure I have a will.
Make sure I have a pension.
Insure my possessions.
Make sure I have medical insurance.
If possible buy a home and get a decent mortgage, whether it is in my new land as an expat mortgage or at my home country as a normal home loan.

And I need a good sounding board through social media such as facebook on finding out questions that crop up at 3am somewhere!

So when I know these answers, at least i can focus on making money and at least living a normal life.